At YPF, the basic pillars of the corporate
governance system are integrity, transparency, responsibility, security, sustainability, human rights, gender
equity and diversity, the participation of its shareholders, the proper functioning of the Board of Directors
and the independence of the external auditor.
They are mainly established, in the Corporate Bylaws, the Regulations of the Board of Directors, the Regulations
of the Transparency Committee and the YPF Code of Ethics and Conduct and its Internal Regulations for Conduct in
the capital markets.
Corporate governance practices are also regulated by the General Corporations Law No. 19,550, the Capital
Markets Law No. 26,831, the Regulations of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission and the United
States Securities and Exchange Commission.
YPF ensures the enforcement of the best local and international practices in this matter, even above the
standards established under the regulations that are applicable to it.